Reza Ektesabi
Canadian Nano Society
Reza Ektesabi, honored his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Hiroshima in Japan in 1986. He began his combined academic researches, industrial fabrications and know how generating technology professions in multi-disciplinary Bio-Nano engineering materials innovation field. During a long career that spanned three decades he had a tremendous impact on his research and industrial fabrication teams. He has a successful venture outcome in materials applied researches of high technology industries. His recent researches are linked with titanium foam structure materials applicable in bio-medical sectors as a compatible material fabrication, replacing as artificial human bones and implants which are bringing a paradigm shift for orthopedic clinical surgery. Also he achieved several manufacturing processes of this light weight and high temperature stand material for aerospace parts. In addition, he is CEO of the Canadian Nano Society, a non for profit advanced scientific nano-materials and nano-technology networking information center for providing a supportive growth environment, coaching and mentoring of researchers and entrepreneurs within Canada and beyond.
Research Interest
Multi-disciplinary Bio-Nano engineering materials innovation field