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Nekane Guarrotxena

Nekane Guarrotxena

Spanish National Research Council, Spain


Nekane Guarrotxena completed her PhD at University of Complutense, Madrid-Spain and Post-doctoral research at Ecole Nationale Superieure d´Arts et Metiers (ENSAM), Paris-France and University of Science II, Montpellier-France. She was a Vice-Director at Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC) from 2001 to 2005 and; Visiting Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara-USA and University of California, Irvine-USA from 2008 to 2011. Currently, she is a Research Scientist at ICTP-CSIC (Spain); an Editorial Board Member of some Materials Science and Chemistry journals and; External Expertise Consultant on I+D+I management policy for national and international agencies. Her research interest focuses on “The synthesis and assembly of hybrid nanomaterials, nanoplasmonics, and their uses in nano-biotechnology applications (bio-imaging, drug delivery, therapy and bio-sensing)”.


Abstract : Engineering optical Raman active nanoassemblies for nanosensor purposes