Nikolay Ledentsov
VI Systems GmbH, Germany
Nikolay Ledentsov completed his Graduation at Electrical Engineering Institute in Leningrad (LETI) in 1982. He completed his Cand Sci and DSci Degrees in Physics and Mathematics at Ioffe Institute, Russia in 1987 and 1994, respectively. He has been a Professor at LETI since 1994, at Ioffe Institute since 2005 and at TU Berlin (1998-2007). His main interests are in the field of “Physics and technology of semiconductor nanostructures and the related devices”. He has Co-authored 800 papers and 30 patent families. He is a member of Russian Academy of Sciences, senior member of IEEE and Fellow of Institute of Physics. He received Young Scientist Award of International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors for pioneering contributions to the field of quantum dots and quantum dot lasers.
Abstract : Recent progress in epitaxial quantum dots for lasers and light emitting diodes