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Materials Research 2023

Welcome Message

We happily welcome you to attend the “17th Annual Congress on Materials Research and Technology” on September 07-08, 2023 at Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will endeavour to offer you networking openings, furnishing with the occasion to meet and interact with the leading academic scientists, prominent experimenters and associates as well as guarantors and fair and exploration scholars to change and partake their guests in all aspects of captivation. The theme of the conference is “Enlightening the unborn compass of materials science and Materials Research”. We hope you'll join us for a symphony of outstanding wisdom and take a little redundant time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of this region


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About Conference

17th Annual Congress on Materials Research and Technology will take place in Prague, Czech Republic during September 07-08, 2023. Materials Research 2023 provides the basic ideas for innovating new sustainability materials and technologies. The theme of exploring the possibilities in the field of Materials Research & Technology "Enlightening the unborn compass of materials science and Materials Research". Material research area covers a wide range of growing markets, such as engineering resins, plastic alloys and blends, advanced batteries and fuel cells, and soon. The technological curriculum of Materials Research 2023 is unprecedented, discussing structure, properties, storage and quality across the population of materials. Materials Research 2023 brings together researchers, engineers, students, suppliers and business leaders to discuss current research and technical developments and shape the future of science and technology in materials.

Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Material Research Key topics

The interdisciplinary field of materials science covers the design and discovery of new materials, particularly solids. Materials Research, the study of the properties of solid materials and how those properties are determined by a material's Composition and Structure.

  • Material Research
  • Applied Materials
  • Advanced Materials
  • Industry Materials
  • Energy Materials
  • Material Chemistry
  • Material Physics
  • Nano Materials
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Hybrid Materials
  • Nuclear Materials
  • Carbon Materials
  • Electronic Materials
  • Magnetic Materials
  • Polymers & Biopolymers
  • Computation & Theory
  • Structural Materials
  • Surface Science
  • Smart Materials
  • Material Recycling
  • Mining & Metals
  • Ceramics & Glass

Track 2: 3D Printing Materials

The Materials used for 3D printing are as different as the products that affect from the process. As similar, 3D printing is flexible enough to allow manufacturers to determine the shape, texture and strength of a product. Stylish of all, these rates can be achieved with far smaller way than what's generally needed in traditional means of product also, these products can be made with colorful types of 3D printing materials. In order for a 3D print to be realized in the form of a finished product, a detailed image of the design in question must first be submitted to the printer. The details are rendered in standard triangle language( STL), which conveys the complications and confines of a given design and allows a motorized 3D printer to see a design from all sides and angles.

Track 3: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology, which is the structuring of sensible systems at the subatomic scale, is largely responsible for the future of the world. It is becoming increasingly realistic to believe that it will leave virtually no element of  life spotless, and that it will be necessary to be in widespread usage by 2025. Mass applications will almost certainly have a huge impact, particularly in the fields of industry, pharmaceuticals, new calculating frameworks, and manageability. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize, many technology and industry sectors: information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, and environmental science, among many others.

  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Biomedicine
  • Environment
  • Textile

Track 4: Materials Science and Engineering

Materials science and engineering, covers the design and finding of new materials, particularly solids Materials. Materials masterminds deals with essence, pottery, and plastics to make new Materials. Scientists deal with the connections between the beginning structure of a material, its parcels, its process ways and its performance in operations. Materials masterminds develop, process, and check Materials oriented make a variety of product, from computer chips and aircraft bodies to golf clubs and medical bias. Materials Science and Engineering combines engineering, drugs and chemistry principles to break real- world problems associated with nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, energy, manufacturing and other major engineering disciplines to handle global challenges applicable to technology, society and the terrain, including

  • The environment and climate change
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Renewable and sustainable energy
  • Materials efficiency
  • Healthcare
  • Biotechnology
  • Aerospace and transport
  • Communications and information technology

Track 5: Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials

Magnetic materials include hard attractions and soft attractions. Hard attraction is also known as endless attraction, which means a large glamorous field is demanded to align the glamorous disciplines. Soft Magnetic materials are fluently bewitched and demagnetized. The main difference between hard Magnetic materials and soft Magnetic materials is that hard Magnetic materials have high anisotropy field, high coercivity, large hysteresis circle area, and large glamorous field needed for specialized magnetization to achromatism. Due to the low coercivity of the soft glamorous material, it's easy to demagnetize after the specialized magnetization reaches achromatism and the external glamorous field is removed, while the hard glamorous material due to the high coercivity, after the specialized magnetization to achromatism and the glamorous field is removed, it'll remain long- term veritably strong captivation, so hard Magnetic materials are also called constant Magnetic materials.

Track 6: Magnetic Materials

Magnetism is the force applied by attractions when they attract or repel with each other. Electrical currents and the glamorous moments of essential patches give rise to a glamorous field, which acts on other currents and glamorous moments. Glamorous accoutrements are accoutrements studied and used mainly for their glamorous parcels. The glamorous response of accoutrements is largely determined by the glamorous dipole moment connected with the natural angular instigation, or spin, of its electrons. A material’s response to an applied glamorous field can be classified as follows:

  • Ferromagnetic Materials
  • Diamagnetic Materials
  • Paramagnetic Materials

Iron, cobalt, nickel, neodymium and their alloys are usually highly ferromagnetic and are used to make permanent magnets.

  • Iron
  • Cobalt
  • Nickel

Track 7: Polymer

Polymer, any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of veritably large motes, called macro molecules that are multiples of simpler chemical units called monomers. Polymers make up numerous of the accoutrements in living organisms, including, for illustration, proteins, cellulose, and nucleic acids. Product made from polymers are all around us: clothing made from synthetic fibers, polyethylene cups, fiberglass, nylon bearings, plastic bags, polymer-based paints, epoxy glue, polyurethane foam cushion, silicone heart valves, and Teflon-coated cookware. The list is almost endless

  • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE)
  • High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or Vinyl)
  • Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Polypropylene (PP)
  • Polystyrene (PS or Styrofoam)

By definition, polymers are large molecules made by bonding (chemically linking) a series of building blocks. The word polymer comes from the Greek words for “many parts.” Each of those parts is scientists call a monomer (which in Greek means “one part”). Think of a polymer as a chain, with each of its links a monomer.

Track 8: Electrical, Optical materials

A channel is a type of material that permits a flood of electrical current to flow in and out of a single bearing. The stream of oppositely charged electrons, determinedly charged holes, and positive or negative particles causes electrical flow. This communal gathering of materials is defined by its portability. Semiconductors, metals, and pottery generation are being employed to design extremely complex systems such as integrated electronic circuits, optoelectronic devices, and attractive and optical mass gathering media.

Known optical materials include amorphous materials and crystalline materials:

  • Glass
  • Plastics, Polycarbonate, Poly (methyl methacrylate)
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Strontium Fluoride
  • Synthetic Diamond
  • Zinc Sulfide

Track 9: Emerging Smart Materials

The use of stone, bronze, and steel in the mediaeval era promoted the creation of ceramics and minerals, which sparked the metallurgy area. Metals, amalgams, silica and carbon nanomaterials have been studied by Material Research , chemistry, thermodynamics, and a few other branches of research. Material Research has evolved from metals and composites to semiconductors, plastics, biomaterials, rubbers, polymers, appealing materials, therapeutic embed materials, nanomaterials, and so on Biosensors. Using a smart material instead of conventional mechanisms to sense and respond, can simplify devices, reducing weight and the chance of failure. Smart materials sense changes in the environment around them and respond in a predictable manner.

  • Piezoelectric Materials
  • Shape Memory Materials
  • Chromoactive Materials
  • Magnetorheological Materials
  • Photoactive Materials

Track 10: Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Science

Material Research has a greater impact on metallurgy than one might think. Powder metallurgy is a broad phrase that refers to a variety of industries in which metal powders are used to transport materials or pieces. They can reduce costs by eliminating or drastically reducing the need for metal expulsion forms. Pyro metallurgy is the heating treatment of minerals and metallurgical metals with the goal of recognising physical and significant changes in the materials so that precious metals can be recovered. Materials science and engineering seeks to understand the fundamental physical origins of material behavior in order to optimize properties of existing materials through structure modification and processing, design and invent new and better materials, and understand why some materials unexpectedly fail.

Track 11: Construction Engineering Materials Science

The planning, developing, and creation of new compositional materials and pieces are a fascinating aspect of a structure that necessitates a great deal of creativity. To create items and materials that support the modeller's vision for each venture based on the fascinating style, a lot of programming and execution is required, and embracement of advancements from a wide range of businesses both inside and outside development and engineering is critical, and will only result in a legal arrangement.

They study the properties and structures of metals, ceramics, plastics, composites, Nano materials (extremely small substances), and other substances in order to create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements.

  • Ceramics
  • Plastics
  • Composites
  • Nano Materials

Track 12: Composites, and Ceramics Materials

Around 15,000 different types of building materials, such as glues, plastics, and rubbers, are divided into 20 main families. Polymers are fiscally accessible materials that are light, safe to consume, and have low quality and solidity. They are typically not suitable for high-temperature applications, but they are cost-effective and may be framed into a variety of shapes and structures. For a long time, pottery has been used in the construction of common constructions.

A ceramic is a non-metallic inorganic material composed of metal or non-metal compounds that have been formed and then hardened at very high temperatures. It is a hard ceramic, corrosion-resistant, and brittle in general. The word "Ceramic" comes from the Greek word "Pottery". We are all familiar with clay-based home items, art objects, and construction materials, but pottery is only one aspect of the ceramic world. Nowadays, the term "Ceramic" has a broader definition, encompassing materials such as glass, advanced ceramics, and some cement systems. More practical pieces, such as bowls, plates, and pots, are sometimes referred to as pottery. Ceramic is sometimes used to distinguish fine art from decorative pieces with no practical purpose, but both are manufactured in the same technique.

Track 13: Materials Science

The fundamentals that enabled the evolution of expectations for people's everyday conveniences in the preceding few decades are the result of breakthroughs made possible by Material Research Engineering development. They are producing at an unrivalled rate in any other discipline. Material Research coordinates the engineering and aggregation of higher-potential materials using physical science concepts.

In the future, perhaps, we will design the material to meet the need. It is an ambitious programme and there is much work to be done, and for young and aspiring materials scientists, who have their careers ahead of them, that is a very good thing.

Materials Science is a broad interdisciplinary field that incorporates many aspects of engineering, physics, and chemistry. Materials science researchers on the cutting edge of nanotechnology do indeed require a whole lot of math and Quantum Physics.

Track 14: Material Research Role in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

All of today's stimulating breakthroughs and discoveries in a biotechnology and materials science may be traced back to chemistry. Every single advancement in both of these domains would be unthinkable without atomic science, which is science. The development of cutting-edge materials and the effective use of concoction and organic responses are critical to the rapid advancement of research and innovation.

Track 15: Materials in Defense, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

To act naturally enough innovatively, any country will invest heavily in the military industry, aside from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, primarily in assembling innovation and addressing the issue of energy in relation to the global energy situation. The current concentration is on globalised intensity and extended worldwide consciousness, which has made the gathering fundamentally distinct, with a greater emphasis on concentrated advancements and board approach.

Track 16: Materials Chemistry

The essence of Materials Chemistry can be observed in various fields i.e., organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, organometallic, cosmetic, petro and forensic studies. Organic chemistry provides organic polymers for use in structures, films, fibres, coatings, and so on. It provides materials with complex functionality, a bridge between materials science and medicine and provides a sophisticated synthetic entry into nanomaterial. Inorganic chemistry deals with the structure, properties, and reactions of molecules that do not contain carbon, such as metals. It helps us to understand the behaviour and the characteristics of inorganic materials which can be altered, separated, or used in products, such as ceramics and superconductors. Analytical chemistry determines the structure, composition, and nature of substances, by identifying and analysing their various elements or compounds. It also gives idea about relationships and interactions between the parts of compounds. It has a wide range of applications, like food safety, Nano biopharmaceuticals, and pollution control. The analytical role of materials chemistry includes the materials science lab equipment associated with materials science experiments. The basic characteristics of how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level and how chemical reactions occur are physical chemistry. Based on the inferences, new theories are developed, such as how complex structures are formed and develop potential uses for new materials correlating materials chemistry. Study of chemical compounds containing at least one bond between a carbon atom of an organic compound and a metal, including alkaline, alkaline earth, transition metal, and other cases is Organometallic chemistry. Materials that work physiologically within the skin or aid in protecting the skin from insult form Cosmetic chemistry.

Market Analysis

Request Analysis on Accoutrements exploration Accoutrements Research 2022 has incited to the arrival of colorful Nano Accoutrements, Biomaterials, Energy Accoutrements, Ceramic and Composite accoutrements, face accoutrements , Defence and Aerospace accoutrements through the invention in the advancement of material chemistry. This Conference provides a platform to present recent inventions and exploration results. All the products from renewable to non-renewable, medical bias to artificial apkins, computers to cell phones, and numerous further are made from accoutrements. Chemistry of the accoutrements played a pivotal part in the exploration of new accoutrements.

Request value On Materials Light weight material requests are light to grow from USD88.5 billion in 2014 to USD133.1 billion in 2019 at a CAGR of 8.5. These light accoutrements include the operation of Automotive, Marine and Wind energy. The electro active polymers were estimated to increase from USD3.26 billion in 2016 to USD5.12 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 7.9. Plastics are estimated to increase from USD340.99 billion in 2016 estimated to negotiate USD493.74 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 6. Nanomaterial requests estimated to grow from USD million in 2015 to USD, 016 million in 2022 at a CAGR of 20.7



Biomaterials requests have increased from USD70.90 billion in 2016 to USD149.17 billion by 2021 at a CAGR of 16.3 D Printing material requests are anticipated to reach USD, 871 million by 2022 at a CAGR of 18.3. Polymers are substantially used for printing. Asian and the Middle East chemical diligence are likely to grow by 3 on an average in the coming 20 times. Asia alone holds two- thirds of the request by 2030. Growth in Europe is anticipated to be moderate at just 1 which results in loss of 30 jobs in the European chemical assiduity by 2030. The current competitive terrain suggests that European companies are well deposited in their home requests but not in the global requests.

About City

Prague is famous for its cultural life. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived there, and his Prague Symphony and Don Giovanni were first performed in the city. In addition, the lyric music of the great Czech composers Bedrich Smetana, Antonin Dvorak, and Leos Janacek is commemorated each year in a spring music festival. Prague is famous for its cultural life. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived there, and his Prague Symphony and Don Giovanni were first performed in the city. In addition, the lyric music of the great Czech composers Bedrich Smetana, Antonin Dvorak, and Leos Janacek is commemorated each year in a spring music festival.

The Czech Republic has a hilly landscape that covers an area of 78,871 square kilometers (30,452 sq mi) with a mostly temperate continental and oceanic climate. The capital and largest city is Prague, other major cities and urban areas include Brno, Ostrava, Plzen and Liberec.

Prague is a 3D architecture textbook. Romanesque chapels and cellars, Gothic cathedrals, Baroque palaces and gardens, worldly Art Nouveau buildings, and unique Cubist architecture make it a place with no parallel in the world. 3D Architecture textbook, Musically Prague can satisfy both classical music listeners and as fans of rock, pop and every other genre, best beer in Prague, Picturesque River, Cafes, Shopping malls, Historic gardens and Parks, Architecture, Views are breath taking 365 days a year.

Whether report:

Prague Weather. 11:43 AM 39°F  RealFeel ® 39°,  today's weather forecast. 39° hi RealFeel® 39° Tonight's Weather Forecast. 27°Lo

Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Plzen, Kutna Hora, Telc, Cesky Krumlov, Karlovy Vary, Ceske Budejovice, Tabor, Trebic, Kromeriz, Litomysl, Ostrava, Liberec,

VISA Requirements

Materials Research 2023 organizing committee hereby reiterates that we are NOT involved in VISA processing. We can assist by providing supporting documents like a Letter of invitation, Letter of Abstract Acceptance and Registration Payment Receipt.

You may be required to submit additional documents along with these documents to the embassy.

Letter of Invitation: The official Letter of Invitation is proof that your submitted paper and registration application are accepted by the conference committee board. It will be stated in English and may help you in your visa application.

* Only registered participants will get an official letter of invitation

* Attendees need to finish Registration & Authenticated information submission to get an official letter of invitation [i.e., Passport (Scan copy), DOB, Mobile Number, Physical Address and Photograph].

*Contact program manager for more information

• Official Letters of Invitations will be provided only to attend the conference.


17th Annual Congress on Materials Research and Technology
September 07-08, 2023 | Prague, Czech Republic

Participation / Presentation option

Oral presentation: Oral Presentations may include the Topics from researches, theoretical, professional or private practices in a concise manner. Individuals with personal experience are also welcome to present personal experience or narratives which help others in everyday life.

Speakers with a 30-minute the slot should plan to speak for 20-25 minutes, and Keynote speakers should plan to speak for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for questions and discussion by the Session Chair.

Workshop: For workshop presenters also, the topic of the talk will be the same as Oral presentation with more specialized techniques and detailed demonstration. The generalized time duration for a workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join with their respective team and present the workshop with their research coordinators with special group waivers on registration.

Poster presentation: Student Poster Competition will be organized at Materials Research 2023 conference is to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. Presenters will be given about 5-7 minutes to present the poster including questions and answers. Judges may ask questions during the evaluation of the presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the recent findings of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Poster displays will be in hard copy format of 1x1 M long.

For more details regarding Poster Presentation and Judging Criteria view Poster Presentation Guidelines.

Webinar: The webinar presentation is designed for those interested attendees who cannot join in person due to schedule conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter may record the presentation and their presentation will be presented in the Webinar presentation session.

E-Poster: E-Poster is also similar to the webinar presentation. In this session, their presentation will be published in the form of a poster in the conference website and the presenter abstract will be published in the conference souvenir and journal with DOI.

Exhibition: Materials Research 2023 has the opportunity to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Scientists, Research Professors, Research Scholars and students Engineering professors and faculty, Members of different Materials associations, materials science and Materials Research, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 07-08, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by