Smart Control Systems

Smart Materials have a broad vary of applications within the field of engineering. They are employed in Marine, Aerospace, pc and electronic devices, Buildings and Structures, Medical instrumentation Applications, trade goods and applications, rotating machinery applications and plenty of additional. Sensible Materials also are used in several creative covering technologies, wearable technologies that involve the utilization of e-textiles. It's employed in the structures of technology and design that disclose and uncovers the traditional and spectacular architectures by human or modify the earth’s earth science. Smart materials square measure getting down to play a vital role in technology styles for dams, bridges, highways, and buildings.

Square measure helpful conjointly to get rid of corrosion of a Navy Pier and conjointly engineers square measure introducing sheets of composites materials containing sensors that may alert maintenance. The recent analysis in distinct areas like technology, structural engineering and archaeological technology goes on with totally different theories of environmental, geotechnical, structural and construction engineering.


  • Wearable technology
  • Medical equipment applications
  • Consumer goods and applications
  • Rotating machinery applications
  • Architecture
  • Sensors

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